FAQ - Guides & Tools - Criipto Verify Documentation
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Unknown Access Code error

The Unknown Access Code error can happen for one of two reasons when trying to fetch information from the userinfo endpoint.

  1. You are reusing a code, codes can only be used once.
  2. Your application OIDC setting User info response strategy is set to fromTokenEndpoint.

If you are seeing this error in production but it worked in test, make sure that your production application and test application have the exact same OIDC settings.

You can use the copy application feature from test to production to ensure the settings are the same.

MitID Core Client error

If you encounter the mitid_core_client_error while running test logins, it indicates issues with the MitID PP environment.

Please note that the MitID PP environment may occasionally experience instability, and MitID does not provide SLAs or status updates for this environment. Criipto does not have control over the MitID Test Tools.

Using TOTP test user as a workaround

In some cases, only App Simulator test users may be affected. If you are experiencing issues with the App Simulator (e.g. the Scan QR and Confirm action is not available), you can try creating a test user with a TOTP authenticator instead. You can do this by checking both the Password and the TOTP simulator checkboxes at user creation time.