Criipto Verify Overview - Getting Started - Criipto Verify Documentation
  1. Getting Started
  2. Criipto Verify Overview

Criipto Verify provides eID authentication as a service.

An eID is a special kind of online identity that is tied to a natural person. A natural person in relation to eID is a living, individual human being. Examples of eIDs are Danish MitID, Swedish BankID, and Dutch DigiD.

An eID may be used for authentication and in most cases also for digitally signing legal documents.

An eID is different from traditional external identity sources such as Google or Facebook. Generally an online identity lifecycle has three main phases:

  1. Enrollment consists of verification of the legal identity and subsequently the issuance of a digital identity.
  2. Active, day-to-day use is the authentication of the user as the holder of the issued digital identity.
  3. Archival terminates the active use of the identity for authentication, but maintains the details for future reference in, for example, a dispute resolution case.

Why use Criipto Verify?

Generally you will want to use Criipto Verify when one of these scenarios fits your situation:

  • You have a regulatory requirements to confirm and continuously verify the legal identity of your users. Consider as a prominent example anti-money laundering regulation, AML, which regulates of the financial services sector and sets strict requirements for customer identification.
  • You develop e-commerce solutions and have a business interest in identifying customers as part of your fraud reduction and mitigation activities.

In each of these cases using eID services provided by banks and governments may be the preferable solution: It may be used both for the initial onboarding identity verification, and as a continued means to strong authentication. Also, your customers will be familiar with using eID already, which caters for a smooth user experience.

At Criipto we strive to give developers and companies an easy path to using eID services without having to become security experts. To actually go live in production with eID you will (in most cases) have to set up a formal relationship with a bank or government body in each of the relevant countries.

Technically, you can connect any application (written in any language or on any stack) to Criipto Verify and define the eID providers you want to use (how you want your users to log in).

Which industry standards does Criipto use?

At the core, being able to provide a service like Criipto Verify is based on the premise of federated authentication, which means that you delegate the authentication and authorization process to a service outside of your own applications.

Because federated authentication leverages one or more widely adopted industry standards, you are free to implement your applications without having to worry about how the actual identity services develop over time, or how they are secured.

The identity industry standards that we use here in Criipto are:

  • Open Authorization (OAuth2): An authorization standard that allows a user to grant limited access to their resources on one site, to another site, without having to expose their credentials.
  • OpenID Connect (OIDC): An identity layer that sits on top of OAuth2 and allows for easy verification of the user's identity, as well the ability to get basic profile information from the identity provider.
  • JSON Web Tokens (JWT): An open standard that defines a compact and self-contained way for securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON object.