OpenID Connect best security practices - Getting Started - Criipto Verify Documentation
  1. Getting Started
  2. OpenID Connect best security practices

In OpenID Connect(OIDC) authentication flows, there are two main roles:

  1. Authorization Server (OpenID Provider): the server that authenticates the user and issues ID tokens and access tokens. It handles user authentication and returns the user’s identity information to the client application.
  2. Client Application: the application requesting authentication on behalf of the end user.

Criipto Verify is an OpenID Provider, handling most of the process. However, it is important for developers of client applications to also follow security best practices.

Authorization Code Flow

The most secure method of performing OIDC authentication is the Authorization Code Flow, or its extended version — Authorization Code Flow with PKCE.

In the Authorization Code Flow, the client application exchanges an authorization code for tokens at the token endpoint. When using Criipto Verify for eID authentication: After the end user successfully logs in with their eID and is redirected back to the client application through the redirect URL, the client application retrieves the authorization code from the URL. The client application then uses this code to request an ID token from Criipto Verify (see code for token exchange).

The Authorization Code Flow enhances security by mitigating replay attempts by attackers (when an attacker tries to reuse a valid intercepted token) and generally reduces the attack surface since ID tokens are not exposed in URLs.

Best practice:

  • Public clients — such as single-page applications and native applications — must use the PKCE flow to prevent misuse of authorization codes.
  • Confidential clients — such as traditional server-based web applications – are encouraged to use the PKCE flow as well. This is a recommended approach, since PKCE provides strong protection against misuse and injection of authorization codes, making it a more secure option.
  • Alternatively, confidential clients can implement the Authorization Code Flow.
  • Confidential clients implementing the Authorization Code Flow (without PKCE) should take additional precautions, such as using the nonce parameter and the respective claim in the id_token, and one-time tokens carried in the state parameter.
  • For use cases where authentication is initiated on one device but completed on another (e.g., a call center agent starts the authentication process for the end user), the back-channel CIBA flow is the right choice.
  • The Implicit Flow is obsolete and should not be used in production applications.

The nonce parameter

nonce is used to associate an ID token to the specific authorization request and user session.

The client application should bind nonce to the user agent session and send it with the initial authorization request to the OpenID Provider. The binding is done using HTTPOnly, Secure cookies, and preferably with a server-side encrypted value for the nonce (using authenticated encryption). The OpenID Provider puts the received nonce value into the id_token that is issued as part of the code exchange at the token endpoint.

  • nonce serves as a token validation parameter. If an attacker injects an authorization code in the authorization response, the nonce value in the client session and the nonce value in the id_token received from the token endpoint will not match, and the attack will be detected.
  • nonce also helps protect against an attacker potentially intercepting a valid state parameter, but then providing a code value tied to a different session. This could be a concern for public clients, and, in theory, in some confidential client scenarios.

Best practice: For confidential clients implementing the Authorization Code Flow, it is strongly recommended to always include a nonce parameter in authorization requests to protect against misuse of authorization codes. The client application should then validate the nonce in the received id_token, and not use any issued tokens until this check has succeeded. For public clients using the PKCE flow, the nonce parameter can also provide an additional layer of security. However, it should only be used in addition to PKCE, not as a substitute for it.

The state parameter

The state parameter helps prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks by maintaining state between the client application and the authorization server.

When initiating an authorization request, the client application generates a random value and includes it in the state parameter. This random value links the request to the redirect URL to the client session. Once the user is authenticated, the authorization server redirects the user back to the client application's redirect URL, including the same state value in the URL. For example:

Similarly, if the state parameter was included in the authorization request, the error responses from the authorization server will also contain the state parameter, providing protection against attacker-forged error responses.

Overall, the state parameter allows the client application to verify that the authorization response is genuine and was sent by the authorization server in response to the original authorization request.

Best practice: Always generate a unique, random state value for each authorization request and validate it when the response is received.

Always validating JWTs

Upon successful user authentication, Criipto Verify will issue an ID token to the client application. id_token contains user authentication information in the form of a JSON Web Token (JWT). However, receiving a JWT is not enough - your application must also validate it. Without validation, there’s no guarantee that the token hasn’t been tampered with or forged.

Note: id_token must be validated, even if using the /userInfo endpoint for personal data.

Best practice: Always delegate token validation to trusted libraries like jose or choose one of Criipto's integrations. Libraries like these handle all the complexities involved in checking JWT signatures, token expiration, etc. Manual validation should be avoided. More information on how JWT validation works is available in our JWT validation guide.

Client authentication

For client authentication, it is recommended to use asymmetric cryptography, such as Private Key JWTs. This provides stronger security compared to symmetric key methods.

When using asymmetric cryptography, authorization servers do not need to store sensitive symmetric keys, reducing the risk of key leakage. Additionally, key rotation is simplified because you can provide a JWT keys set in a URL, allowing Criipto Verify to dynamically fetch the updated keys.

Best practice: Use Private Key JWTs for client authentication to enhance security and simplify key management.

Avoid Implicit Flow

The Implicit Flow has been deprecated and is considered insecure due to its vulnerability to token leakage and token replay attacks. Client applications should not use the Implicit Flow or any other method that causes the authorization server to issue tokens directly in the authorization response (such as response_type=id_token).

Tokens in the Implicit Flow are exposed in the URL fragment (response_mode=fragment), making them vulnerable to interception and mishandling. While response_mode=fragment is convenient and easy to use during development and testing, it is insecure for production applications for several reasons:

  • Tokens in a URL fragment can be exposed to browser history, referral headers, and intermediaries.
  • Browser components or extensions may access the fragment, increasing the risk of interception or token leakage.
  • Some modern browsers restrict or block the use of URL fragments in certain scenarios, which causes compatibility issues.

Use response_mode=query

For improved security, use response_mode=query, which returns authorization parameters in the query string of the redirect URL. This approach is more secure and is the default response_mode for the Authorization Code Flow and PKCE.

More information

For detailed information on security requirements and other recommendations for clients and servers implementing OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect, check OAuth 2.0 Security Best Current Practice.