Endpoints - GraphQL - Criipto Signatures Documentation
  1. GraphQL
  2. Endpoints

Query execution

GraphQL queries can be executed against https://signatures-api.criipto.com/v1/graphql. Queries must be sent as a POST request containing a JSON body with the parameters query and optionally variables.

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -u clientId:clientSecret \
  --data '{"query": "... graphql query ...", "variables": {"key": "value"}}'\ 


If you need to fetch the schema for build/codegen tools you can do so by executing a GET request against https://signatures-api.criipto.com/v1/graphql.

curl https://signatures-api.criipto.com/v1/graphql


A general purpose GraphQL Explorer is available at GraphQL > Explorer.

The explorer connects to the GraphQL endpoint, so it is always up-to-date.