Registering your Application - Getting Started - Criipto Signatures Documentation
  1. Getting Started
  2. Registering your Application

Setting up a test application

To start using the GraphQL examples shown here in our documentation you will need to register a test application to get a set of client credentials.

A signatures application can be registed by:

  1. Going to Criipto Verify
  2. Selecting the "Test" environment
  3. Navigating to "Applications"
  4. Click the button "+ Signatures"
  5. Filling out the form and clicking submit

After creating the application your client credentials should be shown in a popup.

Please store the credentials in a safe location. You can refresh or delete client credentials at any time.


You can follow the same steps as in test, after you have purchased a signatures subscription (either with a creditcard or by contacting our sales team).