A primer on GraphQL - Getting Started - Criipto Signatures Documentation
  1. Getting Started
  2. A primer on GraphQL

Every GraphQL API, including ours, is backed by a strongly typed GraphQL schema. The schema clearly defines what operations are supported by the API, allowing clients to verify correctness ahead of time.

What's GraphQL?

GraphQL is a query language, created by Facebook in 2012. They have been using it internally and in production for a while, and more recently they have published a specification for it, which has received a really positive response from the developer community. Companies like GitHub, Pinterest, and Coursera, have already started adopting it and using externally and internally.

A few advantages of using GraphQL are:

  • Hierarchical - query is shaped like the data it returns.

  • Client-specified queries - queries are encoded in the client rather than the server. They return exactly what the client asks for, and no unnecessary data.

  • Strongly typed - you can validate a query syntactically and within the GraphQL type system before execution. This also helps leverage powerful tools that improve the development experience, such as code generation.

One big advantage when using GraphQL is having an efficient way to get resources by querying for exactly what you need. You will never need to perform multiple API calls to stich together data.

Here's an example GraphQL query to retrieve a specific person from our API:

  signatureOrder(id: "abcd") {
    signatories {

And here is an example response:

  "signatureOrder": {
    "status": "OPEN",
    "signatories": [
        "status": "SIGNED",
        "href": "https://example.com/..."
        "status": "REJECTED",
        "href": "https://example.com/..."
        "status": "OPEN",
        "href": "https://example.com/..."

Using the Criipto GraphQL API

GraphQL queries can be executed against https://signatures-api.criipto.com/v1/graphql.

Queries must be sent as a POST request containing a JSON body with the parameters query and optionally variables.

You will need a set of API credentials to execute queries, please see Registering your application

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -u clientId:clientSecret \
  --data '{"query": "{ signatureOrder(id: $id) { signatories { status } } }", "variables": {"id": "abcd"}}' \ 