Get started with Criipto Signatures - Getting Started - Criipto Signatures Documentation
  1. Getting Started
  2. Get started with Criipto Signatures

Below you will find a list of topics to get you started with Criipto Signatures:

  • Registering your Application
    You will need to register an application with Criipto to get the required credentials (client id and secret) to interact with the Criipto Document Signatures GraphQL API
  • A primer on GraphQL
    Learn about GraphQL, how it works, and how to use it
  • SDKs & codegen
    GraphQL is ideal for codegenerated clients, but we also offer SDKs for select platforms.
  • Interactive tour
    Take an interactive tour through the GraphQL queries/mutations required to setup a signature flow.
  • UI Customization
    The signatory frontend UI can be easily be customized with your logo and theme colors.
  • Document lifecycle
    Learn how Criipto Signatures handles your documents securely and safely.